Best Price Guaranteed
We guarantee you the best price on the market, and if you can find a better price, we will equal it. Check with our Team the conditions.
No Advance Payments
In contrast to many websites, the payment for your stay is carried out 100% at the hotel counter, meaning you will not have to pay anything before your arrival. (Except for the periods indicated)
Cancellation until 72h beforehand.
You can cancel your booking until 24h before your arrival, unless your booking involves a different specific cancellation policy.
Exclusive special offers
By booking with us directly you will enjoy special discounts and exclusive packages at the best price.
Direct advice
We resolve your doubts and requests from the hotel directly.
What’s more, depending on the hotel you book, you will be able to enjoy many more advantages in the form of services such as Exclusive rooms for website reservations, transfers to the Beach or Ski Slopes, discounts on Car and Motorbike rental, etc...
Information about the company
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Gobierno Corporativo
Toda la información relacionada con el sistema de gobierno corporativo, los órganos sociales y los accionistas.
Anuncio de reducción de capital social
Documentación relativa a la Junta General de Accionistas: El presente apartado contiene, referido para cada Junta celebrada en los ejercicios que se indican, los siguientes subepígrafes: Derecho de información; Convocatoria y orden del día de la Junta; Textos completos de las propuestas de acuerdos y documentación disponible para el accionista con anterioridad a la Junta; Solicitudes de información o aclaración de accionistas; Delegaciones de voto; Voto a Distancia, e; Información sobre el desarrollo de las Juntas.